"ICN's governance is fully committed to sustainable development and social responsibility through its values and ambitions. Our values are openness, commitment and team spirit. These three core principles are reflected both in the way we teach and the way we work with local organisations, companies and socio-economic partners."
"Our global engagement requires us to incorporate an innovative, constantly changing mindset. ICN Business School trains future managers to match the needs of the economy, especially in terms of wealth and job creation. This reality aligns with the ambition to support current executives throughout their careers in the face of professional changes."
"ICN is determined to be the learning center of the Grand Est region. Our slogan, Creactive Business School, combines the qualities of creativity and proactivity, two traits that are vital for any business leader!"
Florence LEGROS
Chaired by Georges RALLI
Métropole of Grand Nancy
Nicole CREUSOT - Vice Chairperson of the ICN Board of Directors
City of Courbevoie
Sandrine PENEY - Deputy Mayor & General Inspector of the IDF regional council
Regional council of the Grand Est region
Valérie DEBORD - 2nd Vice Chairperson of the Grand Est region responsible for employment, training, careers and apprenticeships
University of Lorraine (UL)
Hélène BOULANGER - Chairperson & Benoit GRASSER
Lorraine management innovation collegial board (LMI)
Elisabeth DESCHANET - Director
Scientific centre for legal and political science, economics and management (SJPEG)
Olivier CACHARD - Director
Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie des Systèmes et de l’Innovation (ENSGSI)
Laure MOREL - Director
ICN Alumni (ICN Business School Alumni Association)
Arnaud LEPAGE - Director - BEEGIFT
Grande École programme students' association
Janahé BRUNEL - President of the ICN students' association 2025
Administrative staff
Frédérique LE MEITOUR - Management Control Department
Teaching staff
Tristan ROGER - Teacher in the Finance, Audit, Accounting and Control Department
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie (CCI 54)
François PELISSIER - President
ICN endowment fund
Pascal FORNAGE - President
Benoit ZIMMERMANN - Managing Director
Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF 54)
Christine BERTRAND - President
Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne
Jacqueline SCHNEIDER - Head of HR, quality of working life and diversity
Mina GAUTIER - Director
Banque de Luxembourg (Luxembourg
Nicole DOCHEN - Head of human resources
DELL Technologies
Florence ROPION- Vice President and General Manager
KAMPOS (Switzerland)
Georges RALLI - Chairperson of the Board of Directors
ISALegal inc. (Canada)
Lisane DOSTIE - President
Cabinet KPMG (France)
Sylvain WEBER - statutory auditor
Chairman of the board : Georges RALLI
Vice-chairman of the board : Sandrine PENEY
Representative of the President of the Université de Lorraine: Benoit GRASSER
A representative of the business college : Lisane DOSTIE