Acil Abdul Hadi is an Assistant Professor of International Human Resource Management at ICN Business School. She has pursued her PhD at the University of Toulouse Capitole, as part of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action research project on the global mobility of employees (GLOMO). Acil also holds a masters in management from ESCP Business School and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the American University of Beirut.
Acilâs research interests lie at the intersection of career studies and international management, as she explores various aspects of international careers and expatriation. She hopes to contribute to the fields of international human resource management, global work, and intercultural competencies, through her research and teaching. Acil is currently working on a comparative study of self-initiated and assigned expatriates, aiming at expanding the literature on experiences, motivations, and learning outcomes associated with different types of mobility. Her research seeks to provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by individuals pursuing international careers and to inform organizational practices for effective global talent management strategies.
Acil also has a solid management experience at LâOrĂ©al, known for encouraging global mobility of its employees and embracing diversity across the globe, which enticed her to further explore global careers. She is leveraging her practical experience in one of the biggest beauty companies worldwide to recommend relevant human resource strategies that are aligned with todayâs changing work dynamics.
ABDUL HADI, A., “Career capital experiences of self-initiated and assigned expatriates: a comparative approach” in Academy of International Business (AIB), 2023, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
MARTEL, K., M. RAUPP, A. ABDUL HADI, E. OLEĆ KEVIÄIĆȘTÄ, R. MELLO, T. BISWAS, G. MILANI, “âIsn’t it ironicâŠ!?!â Mobility researchers go sedentary: A group auto-ethnography on collective coping and care in pandemic times”, Gender, Work and Organization, January 2022, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 273-300