Enthusiastic Executive and Professor with more than 15 years of experience in financial institutions, foundations, consulting, and education. Dr. Cristiane Benetti is an associate professor at ICN Business School (France), where she had served as Head of the Finance and Accounting department, from 2013 to 2015. She is an expert in international and financial accounting, group accounts (IFRS), corporate finance (derivatives, portfolio theory, and investment fund management). Her research is mainly transdisciplinary in finance and accounting related to financial innovation, sustainable finance, RSE, ESG, and governance; and all challenges that it brings to start-ups (Fintechs) and corporations.
From 2007 to 2012 she worked as Professor of Finance at FECAP (Brazil), where she created and implemented an ongoing strategy to develop financial education for the general public. Nowadays, she is a member of the international board at FECAP Business School. Outside university life, Professor Benetti has acted as a consultant to the Brazilian government. She has also worked in a bank (HSBC) and in an ONG (cultural – Pe. Urban Thiessen). An active entrepreneur, she has founded and co-founded three successful companies.
Dr. Benetti has been recognized in numerous ways in academic forums. In 2010 she was awarded the AMBIMA Stock Market Prize and in 2012, the most prestigious recognition given by the University of São Paulo – the Best Thesis Award in the Accounting Department.
BENETTI, C., J. O. IMONIANA, C. YUQING, R. GUIMARAES, L. REGINATO, “The impact of IFRS 9 on listed companies in China”, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, January 2024, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-14
BENETTI, C., M. MACEDO NOVAIS, J. DE LISBOA GOMES, D. WASIELEKI, “Ethics and Business Hypocrisy: A Study on the Usage of the Term Ethics and its Related References Forms” in 12º Portuguese Financial Network Conference, 2023, Madeira, Portugal
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Ethical Perceptions of Earnings Management: Are Differences Related to Gender or Occupation?” in 12th Portuguese Finance Network, Universidade da Madeira, 2023, Madeira, Portugal Coauthorspresented
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Ethical practices of earnings management: are differences related to gender or occupation?” in Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability and Governance (ASFAAG), 2023, Valencia, Spain
BENETTI, C., S. THIERY, “IFRS First adoption: The One-Size-Fits-All approach”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, December 2023
IMONIANA, J. O., D. C. NAVA FILHO, E. CORNACCHIONE, L. REGINATO, C. BENETTI, “Impact of Technological Advancements on Auditing of Financial Statements”, European Research Studies Journal, November 2023, vol. XXVI, no. 4, pp. 131-159
MARTHA, J. M. G., J. D. L. GOMES, C. BENETTI, V. A. B. SILVA, “The impact of fintechs on the bank spread”, International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism, May 2023, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 636-664
BENETTI, C., A. BOUGHANAMI, N. NIGAM, “Sustainable Finance: Opportunities and Challenges for Development Banks” in ARTEMOCC – 4th edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, S. MBAREK, “Looking at the Smart Cities through the Sustainability Lens for Women: Zero Tolerance for Violence Against Women” in ARTEMOCC – 4th Edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Females’ positions and the perceptions of earnings management” in XXII Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças, 2022, Vitoria Coauthorspresented
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Females’ Positions and the perceptions of Earnings Management” Research Seminar Finance Audit Accounting, NEOMA. 2022, Reims
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Gender, Positions and Earnings Management” The World We Want (WWW), NEOMA BS. 2022, Paris, France
THIERY, S., S. LHUILLERY, C. BENETTI, “Gender, Positions and Earnings Management” UNISINOS. 2022, Porto Alegre, Brasil (online)
BENETTI, C., P. R. S. TERRA, R. F. DECOURT, “Financial Management in Practice: Analysis of Brazilian Survey Data”, Journal of Contemporary Administration, June 2022, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. e20041
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, H. MAVOORI, “Access to venture capital: Does gender (still) really matter?”, Strategic Change, March 2022, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 239-248
BADJI, C. F., C. BENETTI, R. GUIMARAES, “Diversification benefits of European REIT, Equities and Bonds” in 7th ICMS 2021, 2021, online
MACAGNAN, C. B., C. BENETTI, D. VANCIN, L. A. MANGONI, “Strategic Investment from Brazilian Pension Funds: The Importance of Corporate Governance” in 20ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, 2021, online, Canada
BADJI, C. F., C. BENETTI, R. GUIMARAES, “Diversification benefits of European REIT, Equities and Bonds”, New Challenges in Accounting and Finance, November 2021, no. 6, pp. 31 – 49
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, A. BOUGHANMI, “Finance durable : opportunités et défis au Brésil” in Journée de recherche – Innover pour une finance responsable et durable, 2020, online, France
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, S. MBAREK, “Looking at the smart cities through the sustainability lens for women: Zero tolerance for Violence against women” in IPV Paper Development Workshop, 2020, on line
NIGAM, N., H. MAVOORI, C. BENETTI, “Access to Venture Capital: Does Gender (STILL) Really Matter?” CEREFIGE. 2020, online
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, S. A. JOHAN, “Digital start-up access to venture capital financing: What signals quality?”, Emerging Markets Review, December 2020, vol. 45, no. 100743
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG – “La croissance dans l’industrie des fonds : il faut la gérer !” – 2020, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, S. JOHAN, “Digital start-up access to venture capital financing: What signals quality?” in 2019 IAFC EMR SI Conference, 2019, Chongqing, China (PRC) Coauthorspresented
NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, S. JOHAN, “Digital start-up access to venture capital financing: What signals quality?” in IAFC EMR SI Conference, 2019, Chongqing, China (PRC)
BENETTI, C., L.REGINATO, “Accounting information: perceptions of European and non-European auditors”, International Journal of Auditing Technology, December 2019, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 87-114
NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, C.BENETTI, “Can Crowdfunding promote innovation in Wine Industry?”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, February 2019, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 335 – 354
BENETTI, C., N.NIGAM, “The role of founders for impacting entrepreneurial activity in emerging eco-system: Evidence from digital startups from India” G-Forum 2018 – 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs. 2018, Stuttgart, Germany
BENETTI, C., S.THIERY DUBUISSON, “Does one size fit all? Stakeholders’perceptions of IFRS adoption across Europe and Brazil” Green Cities Conference. 2018, Nancy, France
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, “TRANSFORMING INDIA DIGITALLY: Financing of young innovative startups from India” Conference Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing (DIF 2018). 2018, Lyon, France
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, “Financing innovation in wake of Global Financial Crisis? A survey from Germany, France, Spain and Italy” Conference Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing (DIF 2018). 2018, Lyon, France
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, “Can linking executive compensation to sustainability performance lead to a sustainable business model? Evidence of implementation from enterprises around the world”, Strategic Change, December 2018, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 571-585
NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, C.BENETTI, “Crowdfunding To Finance Eco-Innovation: Case Studies From Leading Renewable Energy Platforms”, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, May 2018, vol. 2, no. 26, pp. 195-219
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG – “Growth in fund industry, you should manage!” – 2018, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, “Can Crowdfunding open new channel of financing for renewable energy: A study of emerging crowdfunding platforms for US, UK, Netherlands” 1st Workshop on Crowdfunding. 2017, Paris
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, “Linking executive compensation to sustainability performance: evidence of implementation from enterprises around the world” 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International conference (ARTEM OCC). 2017, Nancy
MBAREK, S., N.NIGAM, C.BENETTI, “Can linking executve compensation to sustainability performance lead to a better tomorrow ?” 7th international research meeting in Business and management. 2016, Nice, France
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, “Can crowdfunding open the doors of innovation for wine industry? evidence from US, UK, France and Australia” 1st international workshop on innovations in the wine industry. 2016, Montpellier, France
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG, “Growth, you should manage!” Séminaire ICN Business School – Axe CDIP. 2016, Nancy, France
BENETTI, C., “Corporate finance practice in Brazil: a survey” ARTEM OCC. Conference. 2015, Nancy, France
BENETTI, C., S.MBAREK, N.NIGAM, “Can linking executive compensation to sustainability performance lead to a better tomorrow?” MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
MBAREK, S., C.BENETTI, N.NIGAM, “Does the climate change impact the investors income ? Empirical evidence from fluctuation in wine prices” MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, ” Can Crowdfunding open new channel of financing for renewable energy: A study of emerging crowdfunding platforms for US, UK, Netherlands” MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
BENETTI, C., The role of accounting of information and the relevance of IFRS, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014
BENETTI, C., W.CASTRO, “The Impact of Intangible Assets in the Market Value of Companies that compose the index of Brazilian Stock Exchange” 8th Annual London Business Research Conference. 2013, Londres, Great Britain
BENETTI, C., “Economic implications of corporate financial reporting in Brazilian and European financial markets”, Cahier de Recherche du CERAG, 2011
BENETTI, C., L.REGINATO, G.MARTINS, “Analysis of qualitative and quantitative techniques and methods in papers presented at the fifth and sixth USP Controllership and Accounting Congress”, International Journal of Business Research, January 2009, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 126
BENETTI, C., L. P. L.FAVERO, “O efeito fim de semana no comportamento dos retornos dos indices de bolsa de valores: uma comparação entre 7 paÃses da America Latina e os Estados Unidos”, Revista de Economia e Administração, 2008, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 268-280
SAITO, R., S. J. S.VILLALOBOS, C.BENETTI, “Qualidade das projeções dos analistas sell-side: evidência empÃrica do mercado brasileiro”, Revista de Economia e Administração, 2008, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 356-369
BALBINOTTI, M. A. A., C.BENETTI, P. R. S.TERRA, “Translation and Validation of the Graham-Harvey Survey for the Brazilian Context”, International Journal of Managerial Finance, 2007, vol. 3, pp. 26-48