Dr. Clarice Bertin holds a Doctorate in Management Sciences specialized in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Strasbourg. She is a permanent professor at ICN Business School within the Strategy & Entrepreneurship Department, member of the UNESCO-ICN Chair and researcher at the BETA (Bureau d’Economie ThĂ©orique et AppliquĂ©e) within the CSI research axis dedicated to Creativity, Science and Innovation. She is qualified by the Conseil National des UniversitĂ©s as an Associate Professor in Management Sciences (section 06). She teaches mainly Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Management, Decision-Making, Creativity, Innovation Management, and Entrepreneurship. Her PhD thesis focused on the driving factors for symbiotic strategic collaborations between startups and large firms in open innovation ecosystems. She is particularly interested in the issues faced by entrepreneurs, especially startups and SMEs, and in collaborative innovation.
Clarice has a multidisciplinary educational background and a 25-year career path in various business sectors, such as media industry, metal industry, textile, education and sport. Since 2009, she is also member of the Executive Board of a Limited Company.
Clarice publishes in high-quality esteemed academic journals and regularly presents her research work at internationally renowned academic conferences. She co-edited with Jacky Koehl a collective book, published book chapters, articles for professional media, as well as field-based case studies published by The Case Center (United-Kingdom), and by the CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, Paris). She is currently co-leading a funded research project dedicated to responsible and innovative management of organizations.
BERTIN, C., “Analyser lâenvironnement de lâentreprise” in Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©., C. Bertin et J. Koehl (Dir.) Ed., ELLIPSES, chap. 1, pp. 17-30, 2023
BERTIN, C., “DĂ©velopper la capacitĂ© dâinnovation” in Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©., C. Bertin et J. Koehl (Dir.) Ed., ELLIPSES, chap. 17, pp. 263-274, 2023
BERTIN, C., “DĂ©velopper une activitĂ© entrepreneuriale” in Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©., C. Bertin et J. Koehl (Dir.) Ed., ELLIPSES, chap. 5, pp. 73-85, 2023
BERTIN, C., C. STALLA-BOURDILLON, “Manager les informations et les connaissances stratĂ©giques de lâentreprise” in Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©., C. Bertin et J. Koehl (Dir.) Ed., ELLIPSES, chap. 15, pp. 229-248, 2023
BERTIN, C., J. KOEHL, “Elaborer la stratĂ©gie et la mettre en Ćuvre” in Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©., C. Bertin et J. Koehl (Dir.) Ed., ELLIPSES, chap. 2, pp. 31-44, 2023
BERTIN, C., J. KOEHL, Management des entreprises : De lâĂ©laboration de la stratĂ©gie au dĂ©veloppement de la transversalitĂ©, ELLIPSES, Paris, France, 2023
BERTIN, C., “PrĂ©sentation des rĂ©sultats de l’Ă©tude Organisation publique apprenante et innovante : perspective des managers de la RĂ©gion Grand Est. Projet ResInn”, 2023, Manag’Est, HĂŽtel de RĂ©gion, Metz, France
BERTIN, C., D. WASIELESKI, “Measuring organizational learning and innovation in large-scale public organizations: insights and implications” in 5th ARTEMOCC – International Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference, 2023, Durban, South Africa
BERTIN, C., “Lâinnovation collaborative symbiotique entre startups et grandes entreprises : vers une stratĂ©gie fondĂ©e sur les formes de proximitĂ©” GT PrEO – Pragmatisme et Etude des Organisations – UniversitĂ© de Lorraine. 2023, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., “Making sense of qualitative data and developing theory with the Gioia methodology” ICN BS Research Coffee. 2023, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., P. MAIRESSE, “Projet ResInn : Management Responsable & Innovant des Organisations Publiques” Axe CrĂ©ativitĂ© & DĂ©veloppement Durable, SĂ©minaire Scientifique des ASP, CEREFIGE – UniversitĂ© de Lorraine – IAE. 2023, PĂŽle Herbert Simon, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., V. SCHAEFFER, “Local Ecosystem Open Innovation Intermediaries as Key Enablers for the Development of Incumbents’ Digital Technology Partnerships, June 19-23, 2022, publisher: IEEE, http:://doi.org/10.1109/ICE/ITMC-IAMOT55089.2022.10033193”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference , February 2023, pp. 1-11
JACQUET, J., J. KOEHL, C. BERTIN – “Au diable les idĂ©es noires⊠ActBlue, vent debout !” – 2023, Centrale de cas et de mĂ©dias pĂ©dagogique (CCMP), Paris, France
BERTIN, C., V. SCHAEFFER, “Local Ecosystem Open Innovation Intermediaries as Key Enablers for the Development of Incumbentsâ Digital Technology Partnerships” in 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, 2022, Palais des CongrĂšs, Nancy
BERTIN, C., “Collaborating Effectively with Startups: Anticipation, Key to Success, https://blog.hypeinnovation.com/collaborating-effectively-with-startups”, Hype Innovation Blog, March 2022
BERTIN, C., “Effektive Kollaboration mit Startups – Antizipation als SchlĂŒssel zum Erfolg, https://blog.hypeinnovation.com/ideenmanagement/effektive-kollaboration-mit-startups-antizipation”, Hype Ideenmanagement Blog, January 2022
BERTIN, C., “Sourcing de startups technologiques : de l’Ă©mergence des besoins Ă la recherche de proximitĂ©[s], https://blog.hypeinnovation.com/fr/sourcing-startups .”, Hype Innovation Blog, November 2022
BERTIN, C., H. MAVOORI, “Innovative Technology-Based StartupâLarge Firm Collaborations: Influence of Human and Social Capital on Engagement and Success, , in Special issue on Co-design and Collaborative Innovation for Grand Challenges, https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2022.3187924”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, July 2022
BERTIN, C. – “Table ronde ICN BS sur l’entrepreneuriat” – 2021, Online, France
BERTIN, C., “Collaborer efficacement avec une startup : l’anticipation, clĂ© du succĂšs. https://blog.hypeinnovation.com/fr/collaborer-startup”, Hype Innovation, December 2021
BERTIN, C., V.SCHAEFFER, “Organizational impact of digital open innovation in retail banks: Managing external and internal pressure” in Managing Digital Open Innovation., Barlatier, PJ & Mention, AL Eds, World Scientific Publishing, vol. 5, chap. 11, pp. 299-324, 2020
BERTIN, C. – “Table ronde ICN BS sur l’entrepreneuriat” – 2020, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., “Knowledge-based resources of startup teams and their capability to collaborate with large firms in open innovation context” in 17th OUI -Open & User Innovation- Conference, 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands (The)
BERTIN, C., V.SCHAEFFER, “Building dynamic capabilities in the digital era: the case of the banking sector” in 28Ăšme ConfĂ©rence de l’AIMS – Association Internationale de Management StratĂ©gique, 2019, Dakar, Senegal Coauthorspresented
BERTIN, C., V.SCHAEFFER, “Building dynamic capabilities within an innovation ecosystem: the case of the banking sector” in RADMA – R&D Management Conference, 2019, Paris, France
BERTIN, C., V.SCHAEFFER, “Regenerating dynamic capabilities in innovation ecosystems: the case of the banking sector facing digitization” in EURAM 19 – European Academy of Management Conference, SIG Innovation, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
BERTIN, C. – “Table ronde ICN BS sur l’entrepreneuriat” – 2019, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., “ProximitĂ© et facteurs organisationnels pour la collaboration startup – grande entreprise en contexte d’innovation ouverte”, Innovations – Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation/Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, February 2019, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 135-160
BERTIN, C., “Antecedents and impact of startupper teamsâ skills on their collaborations with large firms” 2018 Research Network in Innovation (RNI) Congress – Innovation Forum VIII. 2018, NĂźmes
BERTIN, C., “Influence of startupper teamsâ skills on their collaborations with large firms to innovate” The Global Interdisciplinary Conference: Green Cities, Business, Engineering, Architecture, Design & Technology. 2018, Nancy
BERTIN, C., V.SCHAEFFER, “Organizational impact of digital open innovation in retail banks: Managing external and internal pressure” Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing (DIF) 2018, AIMS, AEI. 2018, Lyon
BERTIN, C., C. STALLA-BOURDILLON, “Short Cases : construire ou transformer une Ă©tude de cas en cas court”, 2017, CCMP, Paris, France
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP, “Designs organisationnels Ă©mergents pour lâinnovation ouverte entre startups et grandes entreprises aux diffĂ©rents stades de la collaboration” 8Ăšmes JournĂ©es du Groupe ThĂ©matique Innovation de lâAIMS, Innovations, espaces & territoires. 2017, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP, “Emergent organization designs for an efficient, sustainable collaboration between startups and large firms within an open innovation ecosystem” Research Network in Innovation (RNI) Summer School 2017. 2017, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C., “Impact of cognitive, organizational and geographical proximities on startup-large firm collaborations in open innovation context” ICN BS Brown Bag Seminar. 2017, Nancy
BERTIN, C., C. STALLA-BOURDILLON, P. PIERRE DUSSAUGE – “Short Cases : construire ou transformer une Ă©tude de cas en cas court. Lien vers la vidĂ©o : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqzJJqH5upI” – 2017, Centrale de cas et de mĂ©dias pĂ©dagogique (CCMP), Paris, France
D’EYRAMES, S., C.BERTIN – “Faire le bon choix : une dĂ©cision RH dĂ©licate pour France Pistons” – 2017, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
D’EYRAMES, S., C.BERTIN – “Making the right choice: Human Resource Decisions at France Pistons” – 2017, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
STALLA-BOURDILLON, C., C.BERTIN – “Ugie Salmon & Jambon de Bayonne : Il n’y a pas de âfumĂ©â sans feu !” – 2017, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
STALLA-BOURDILLON, C., C.BERTIN – “Ugie Salmon & Jambon de Bayonne: there is no smoke without fire!” – 2017, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP, “Retenir le savoir-faire des seniors dans une PME : enseignements dâune Ă©tude de cas et proposition dâun cadre conceptuel” 9Ăšme ConfĂ©rence Internationale GeCSO (Gestion des Connaissances dans la sociĂ©tĂ© et les organisations). 2016, Paris, France
BERTIN, C., “Crowdsourcing within the French banking sector: Exploring the impact on bank-client relationship” BETA Laboratory Seminar. 2016, Nancy
BERTIN, C., “Open innovation in retail banking: Organizational perspective of an ecosystem” ICN Business School Research Seminar. 2016, Nancy
STALLA-BOURDILLON, C., C.BERTIN – “Air France, Ryanair and Flying Rumors” – 2016, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
BERTIN, C., “Organizing R&D for efficient crowdsourcing activities” ICN Business School Research Seminar. 2015, Nancy
STALLA-BOURDILLON, C., C.BERTIN – “Air France et Ryanair face Ă lâenvol dâune rumeur” – 2015, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BERTIN, C., “Etat des lieux des revues en Knowledge Management classĂ©es par l’AERES & le CNRS” ConfĂ©rence GECSO (Gestion des Connaissances, SociĂ©tĂ© et Organisations). 2013, Nancy
BERTIN, C. – “Chaire Ircase: Lâart influe sur la crĂ©ativitĂ© et la durabilitĂ© des entreprises” – 2013, InterviewĂ©e par Jocelin Morisson, EurĂȘka Lorraine. Ressource0 Arts&Ecologies : http://www.ressource0.com/annuaire/chaire-ircase/
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP – “HGD, La dĂ©marche dâintelligence Ă©conomique au service du dĂ©veloppement international dâune PME” – 2013, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP – “HGD, The Competitive Intelligence Approach in the Service of SME International Development” – 2013, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
DUCHAMP, D., C.BERTIN – “The Mont dâOr Clinic, Independence at any price?” – 2013, European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Paris
BERTIN, C., D.DUCHAMP, “Toward a unified definition of the sense of sustainability to SMEs” First Annual Workshop of the International Research Chair in Arts & Sustainable Enterprises (IRCASE). 2012, Nancy, France
BERTIN, C. – “Competitive intelligence: what it can bring you and your company” – 2012, Women Business Lunch #2, EstâElles Executive Association, Nancy
DUCHAMP, D., C.BERTIN – “Clinique du Mont dâOr, lâindĂ©pendance Ă tout prix ?” – 2012, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
DUCHAMP, D., C.BERTIN – “The Mont dâOr Clinic: Independence at any price?” – 2012, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BERTIN, C. – “StratĂ©gie d’internationalisation d’entreprise : du problĂšme dĂ©cisionnel posĂ© par le dirigeant aux prĂ©conisations de mise en Ćuvre – Etude de cas d’une PME, 94 p.” – 2010, UniversitĂ© de Lorraine
BERTIN, C. – “Etude du processus communicationnel pour lâacquisition des connaissances dans une dĂ©marche dâintelligence Ă©conomique, 93 p.” – 2005, UniversitĂ© de Lorraine, Nancy
BERTIN, C. – “Die Suche nach dem Selbst bei Hermann Hesse in Demian, Siddhartha, der Steppenwolf, Narziss und Goldmund, 75 p.” – 1997, UniversitĂ© de Lorraine, Nancy