Giuseppe Catenazzo is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at ICN Business School in Nancy, France. He received his PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and previously studied in Italy (BSc), France (MSc and MRes) and the United Kingdom (PgCert). Dr Catenazzo is a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE), a Certified Member of the Market Research Society (CMRS), and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM) in the United Kingdom. He also holds an Insights Professional Certification (IPC) in the United States. His research on product defects, quality perceptions, consumers’ complaining behaviour and service recovery has been published recently in Production Planning & Control and Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior.
CATENAZZO, G., M. PAULSSEN, “Experiencing defects: the moderating role of severity and warranty coverage on quality perceptions”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, February 2023
CATENAZZO, G., Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Services in the Post-COVID-19 Era, IGI Global, 2022
CATENAZZO, G., “Frequent Flyer Programme” in Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing., Dimitrios BUHALIS Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. 1, 2022
CATENAZZO, G., Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Services in the Post-COVID-19 Era, IGI Global, United States of America, 2022
CATENAZZO, G., “Travellers’ preferences for high-speed rail services: a kick-off study”, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, September 2022
BARBIERI, S., G. CATENAZZO, E. FRAGNIÈRE, “Service Design and Enterprise Risk Management for Knowledge-Based Services: A Practical Approach for Auditors and Consultants” in Handbook of Research on Recent Perspectives on Management, International Trade, and Logistics., Güner Koç Aytekin and Çaglar Dogru Ed., IGI Global, chap. 1, pp. 1-19, 2021
CATENAZZO, G., “Comment gérer les risques de votre TPE-PME ?”, Monde Economique, February 2021
ILLY, P.-L., G. CATENAZZO, “Le placement de produits dans un jeu vidéo : accepté par les joueurs et gagnant pour la marque ?”, Monde Economique, February 2021
CATENAZZO, G., “Bientôt les vacances d’été ! Où irons-nous cet été ? Une enquête dans la Région lémanique”, Monde Economique , July 2020
CATENAZZO, G., M. PAULSSEN, “Product defects are not created equal: prioritizing production process improvements”, Production Planning and Control, February 2020, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 338-353
CATENAZZO, G., M.PAULSSEN, “Complaining about Product Defects: The Moderating Role of Severity and Warranty on Quality Perceptions” in POMS conference, 2017, Seattle, United States of America
CATENAZZO, G., M.PAULSSEN, “Complaining about product defects: The moderating role of Severity and Warranty on Quality Perceptions” in EMAC conference, 2017, Groningen, Netherlands (The)
CATENAZZO, G., M.PAULSSEN, “Product Defects are not Created Equal: Prioritizing Process Improvements” in EurOMA conference, 2016, Trondheim, Norway
CATENAZZO, G., M.PAULSSEN, “Impact of Product Defects on Quality Perceptions: The Moderating Role of Defect Severity” Jahrestreffen der Froschungsgruppe Konsum und Verhalten. 2015, Potsdam, Germany
PAULSSEN, M., G.CATENAZZO, “No mercy for products: recovery effects for products and services”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction & Complaining Behaviour, December 2015, vol. 28, pp. 90-103
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, N.GUILLAUME-GENTIL, “Satisfaction and pricing for accounting services to very small enterprises.”, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 2014, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 145-164
PAULSSEN, M., G.CATENAZZO, “Not all Product Defects Are Created Equal, Prioritizing Process Improvements” in EurOMA conference, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
CATENAZZO, G., J.D’URSO, E.FRAGNIÈRE, J.TUBEROSA, “Influences of Public Ecological Awareness and Price on Potable Water Consumption in the Geneva Area” in Climate Change and the Sustainable Management of Water Resources., W. Leal Filho Ed., Springer, chap. 32, pp. 499-513, 2012
CATENAZZO, G., M.PAULSSEN, “No Mercy for Products – Recovery Effects for Products and Services” in EMAC conference, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal
PAULSSEN, M., G.CATENAZZO, “No Mercy for Product Defects – Recovery Effects for Product and Services” Workshop on Marketing Metrics, Risk and Performance Modeling. 2012, Berlin, Germany
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Small shareholder control of listed companies’ administrators during annual general meetings: An experimental study”, International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 2012, vol. 3, no. 1/2, pp. 46-64
PAULSSEN, M., G.CATENAZZO, “Product defects, complaining behaviour and their impact on quality perceptions and loyalty” Lake Leman Organization Research Group (LL’ORG). 2011, Genève, Switzerland
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Internal Control Systems in Switzerland: are we ready? Results of an academic survey”, Newsletter de l’Association suisse d’audit interne (IIA Switzerland), 2011
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Managing the Risks of the ‘Invisible'”, Service Science, 2011, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. IV (editorial)
CATENAZZO, G., J.D’URSO, E.FRAGNIÈRE, J.TUBEROSA, “Influences of Public Ecological Awareness and Price on Potable Water Consumption in Geneva” in Climate–Klima 2010 online conference, 2010, Hamburg, Germany
CATENAZZO, G., A.EPALLE, E.FRAGNIÈRE, J.TUBEROSA, “Testing the impact of sustainable development policies in Canton Geneva”, Management of Environmental Quality, 2010, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 845-861
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Implementation of Compulsory Internal Control System within Swiss organisations: Perceptions among Accountants and Workers in Geneva”, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 2010, vol. 1, no. 1/2, pp. 53-75
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Pricing Traditional Travel Agency Services: A Theatre-based Experimental Study”, Journal of Service Science and Management, 2010, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 272-280
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, B.RIBORDY, J.TUBEROSA, “s the 2008 financial turmoil increasing the risk of a bank run? An empirical research in Geneva”, International Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2010, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 29-45
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRANIERE, “Identifying Bank Runs Signals through Sociological Factors: An Empirical Research in the Geneva Area” in The Handbook of Banking Crises., G. Gregoriou Ed., Taylor and Francis- CRC Press, chap. 26, pp. 489-502, 2009
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Do Travel Agencies Provide Sufficient Value to Their Clients?” in 4th International Conference on Services Management “Managing Services across Continents”, 2009, Oxford, Great Britain
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, La Gestion des Services, Edition Economica, Paris, France, 2008
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE in 2nd European Risk Conference, 2008, Milan, Italy
CATENAZZO, G., J.D’URSO, E.FRAGNIÈRE, J.TUBEROSA, “Influences of Public Ecological Awareness and Price on Potable Water Consumption in Geneva” in International World Water Association’s XIIIth World Water Congress, 2008, Montpellier, France
CATENAZZO, G., E.FRAGNIÈRE, “Fonction clé dans la gestion d’entreprise : le Risk Management”, Entreprise Romande, 2008
CATENAZZO, G., J.D’URSO, “Les Genevois préfèrent une taxe sur l’or bleu que sur l’or noir”, L’Agefi, 2008