La Dr Isotilia Costa Melo est titulaire d'un doctorat en processus opérationnel et gestion de l'Université de Sao Paulo (USP), au Brésil (2021). Au cours de son doctorat, elle a fait des recherches sur le split-side à l'Université de Sherbrook (UoS), Québec, Canada. Elle est également titulaire d'un MBA en Digital Business axé sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA) (2023). Sa thèse portait sur la mesure de la performance des chaînes d'approvisionnement numériques (SC) à l'aide de modèles d'analyse dynamique de l'enveloppement des données (DEA). Avant de devenir membre de l'ICN Business School, elle a travaillé dans deux universités chiliennes en tant que professeure assistante, chercheuse postdoctorale et superviseure de projet MBA dans une université brésilienne et portugaise. Elle a supervisé plus de 60 projets exécutifs, la plupart liés à l'IA.
Elle a publié plus de 35 articles dans des revues à comité de lecture. Parmi les revues classées par l'ABS, elle a publié dans le « Journal of Cleaner Production », « Benchmarking : An International Journal », « Research in Transportation Economics », « Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce » et « Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction ». Elle est actuellement rédactrice en chef adjointe de la revue « Business and Review Society ».
En ce qui concerne la méthodologie, ses principaux intérêts sont liés aux méthodologies quantitatives paramétriques et non paramétriques pour la mesure de la performance. Aussi, elle s'intéresse à l'IA et aux méthodes mixtes, intégrant la recherche qualitative et quantitative.
En ce qui concerne les applications, ses intérêts sont larges, à commencer par la logistique, les chaînes d'approvisionnement, la transformation numérique et la durabilité, mais englobent souvent l'énergie verte, les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), les marchés financiers et l'écoblanchiment.
DE JESUS PUPPI, R. G., P. NOCERA ALVES JUNIOR, G. ALVES QUEIROZ, I. COSTA MELO, D. A. DO NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, “Application of Lean Office Concepts in the Management of Labor Grievances and Commercial Matters: A Case Study in a Retailersâ Network” dans Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 356-363, 2024
QUEIROZ, G. A., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, I. C. MELLO, “Lean 4.0 Deployment Case Studies in UK Industrial Companies: Lessons Learned” dans Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 324-331, 2024
REZENDE, Ă. G., F. B. O. ROCO, I. COSTA MELO, “Change Management in a Pet Food Plant: A User-Centric Phenomenological Approach for a Digital Transition” dans Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. 2, pp. 621-628, 2024
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, P. LEGER, “Efficiency analysis of engineering classes”, Environmental Science and Policy, Octobre 2024, vol. 160
CALLEFI, J. S., N. DE SOUZA LIMA, K. ARGUELHO DA SILVA, I. COSTA MELO, “InterrupçÔes no ambiente hospitalar e cultura organizacional”, Perspectivas ContemporĂąneas, Mai 2023, vol. 18
COSTA MELO, I., G. A. QUEIROZ, P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, T. B. D. SOUSA, W. F. YUSHIMITO, J. PEREIRA, “Sustainable digital transformation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A review on performance”, Heliyon, Mars 2023, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. e13908
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, G. A. QUEIROZ, W. YUSHIMITO, J. PEREIRA, “Do We Consider Sustainability When We Measure Small and Medium Enterprisesâ (SMEsâ) Performance Passing through Digital Transformation?”, Sustainability , Mars 2023, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 4917
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, J. S. CALLEFI, K. A. DA SILVA, M. S. NAGANO, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, A. RENTIZELAS, “Measuring the performance of retailers during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Operations Research Perspectives, Juillet 2023, vol. 10, pp. 100282
QUEIROZ, G. A., A. G. A. FILHO, I. COSTA MELO, “Competitive Priorities and LeanâGreen PracticesâA Comparative Study in the Automotive Chainâ Suppliers”, Machines, Janvier 2023, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 50
ALVES JUNIOR, P. N., I. COSTA MELO, F. T. OKAMURA, J. C. CRUZ JĂNIOR, “Analysis of the Renewable Energy Generation Capability for Attending a National Renovation Fleet Through Ethanol-Cell Electric Vehicles in a South American Market” dans Handbook of Smart Energy Systems., Mahdi Fathi, Enrico Zio, Panos M. Pardalos Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2763â2785, 2023
ALVES JUNIOR, P. N., I. COSTA MELO, L. YAMANAKA, M. R. SEVERINO, A. RENTIZELAS, “Supporting the Bidding Decisions of Smallholder Farmers in Public Calls in Brazil”, Agriculture and Human Values, DĂ©cembre 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 48
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, J. S. CALLEFI, C. S. KODAMAD, M. S. NAGANO, D. A. N. REBELATTO, “A performance index for traditional retailers incorporatinga performance index for traditional retailers incorporating digital marketplace: benchmarking through data envelopment analysis (dea)”, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, DĂ©cembre 2022, vol. 32, no. 3-4, pp. 196-216
MARINHO, B. F. D., I. COSTA MELO, “Fostering Innovative SMEs in a Developing Country: The ALI Program Experience”, Sustainability , Octobre 2022, vol. 14, no. 20, pp. 13344
NOCERA ALVES JUNIOR, P., I. COSTA MELO, R. DE MORAES SANTOS, F. V. DA ROCHA, J. V. CAIXETA-FILHO, “How did COVID-19 affect green-fuel supply chain? – A performance analysis of Brazilian ethanol sector”, Research in Transportation Economics, Juin 2022, vol. 93, pp. 101137
QUEIROZ, G. A., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, I. COSTA MELO, “Digitalization as an Enabler to SMEs Implementing Lean-Green? A Systematic Review through the Topic Modelling Approach”, Sustainability , Octobre 2022, vol. 14, no. 21, pp. 14089
COSTA MELO, I., P. NOCERA ALVES JUNIOR, T. G. PĂRA, D. APARECIDA DO NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, J. VICENTE CAIXETA-FILHO, “Partially Non-discretionary Measures for Green Transportation Corridors Performance Index: A DEA Approach” dans New Perspectives in Operations Research and Management Science., Y. Ilker Topcu, Ćule Ănsel Ekici, ĂzgĂŒr Kabak, Emel Aktas, Ăzay Ăzaydın Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 89-111, 2022
ALVES JUNIOR, P. N., I. COSTA MELO, J. E. H. BRANCO, D. B. BARTHOLOMEU, J. V. CAIXETA-FILHO, “Which Green Transport Corridors (GTC) Are Efficient? A Dual-Step Approach Using Network Equilibrium Model (NEM) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 247
ARGUELHO SILVA, K., A. VIEGAS DE ARAĂJO MOTOMIYA, I. COSTA MELO, D. FERRAZ, D. APARECIDA DO NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, “Relationship between soy productive chain, circular economy, precision agriculture, and no-tillage planting system”, Revista GestĂŁo da Produção OperaçÔes e Sistemas, Septembre 2020, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 117-132
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, T. K. KODAMA, K. A. D. SILVA, M. W. CHIMIRRI, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “B2C E-commerce for Home Appliance in The Brazilian Market: A Cost Efficiency Investigation through a DEA-OCT Model”, Internext, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 72-89
COSTA MELO, I., T. G. PĂRA, P. N. ALVES JĂNIOR, D. A. D. NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, J. V. CAIXETA-FILHO, “Framework for logistics performance index construction using DEA: an application for soybean haulage in Brazil”, Transportation Research Procedia, 2020, vol. 48, pp. 3090-3106
DE SOUSA, T. B., I. COSTA MELO, P. H. D. OLIVEIRA, C. M. LOURENĂO, F. M. GUERRINI, K. F. ESPOSTO, “Balanced Scorecard for evaluating the performance of supply chains: a bibliometric study”, Journal of Engineering Research, 2020, vol. 8, no. 1
ALVES JUNIOR, P. N., W. F. YUSHIMITO, J. P. GUDE, I. COSTA MELO, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “Insider understanding of country development: a novel application of Optimal Control Theory and Data Envelopment Analysis for benchmarking performance of Chilean and Brazilian companies”, The Central European Review of Economics and Management, 2019, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 47 93
CAMPOLI, J. S., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, T. K. KODAMA, I. COSTA MELO, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “O Bolsa FamĂlia Aumentou a EficiĂȘncia para a Segurança Alimentar?”, Revista GestĂŁo da Produção OperaçÔes e Sistemas, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 168
RENTIZELAS, A., I. COSTA MELO, P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, J. S. CAMPOLI, D. APARECIDA DO NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, “Multi-criteria efficiency assessment of international biomass supply chain pathways using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Novembre 2019, vol. 237, pp. 117690
VELHO JĂNIOR, V. E., I. COSTA MELO, P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “Analysis of real estate management of lease service agreements by the public sector of a Latin American metropolis”, Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Mars 2019, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 97-122
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. A. JUNIOR, A. E. PERICO, M. G. S. GUZMAN, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “Benchmarking freight transportation corridors and routes with data envelopment analysis (DEA)”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 713-742
NOCERA ALVES JUNIOR, P., I. COSTA MELO, G. CELESTINI, D. APARECIDA DO NASCIMENTO REBELATTO, “Allocative control Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model to evaluate inventory control systems when there is a relationship among variables”, Revista GestĂŁo da Produção OperaçÔes e Sistemas, 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 143-160
COSTA MELO, I., P. N. ALVES JUNIOR, D. A. D. N. REBELATTO, “AnĂĄlise EnvoltĂłria de Dados (DEA) como uma ferramenta para comparação de eficiĂȘncia entre rotas de transporte de carga”, Revista de CiĂȘncia & Tecnologia, DĂ©cembre 2017, vol. 20, no. 40, pp. 47 67