Alejandra Duenas, Full Professor. She holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK (2003) and a habilitation for the supervision of doctoral students HDR from the University Lille 1 (2013). Before joining ICN business school she was head of the management department at IESEG School of management, worked at the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield and at Coventry University in the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences. Her current research interests are multiple criteria decision making, production scheduling, nurses rostering, problem structuring methods, metaheuristics, health care management and health economics. Her research has been published by several international peer reviewed journals. She has also been involved in consultancy projects for pharmaceutical companies and has been awarded research grants. She works as a reviewer for applied research of the department of health program in the United Kingdom.
WANNENMACHER, D., S. BORRACCINO, I. FLACHERE, V. IVANAJ, J. RAMONE-LOUIS, A. DUENAS, “Cas « Intersoins sur la coordination pluriprofessionnelle autour du parcours de soins du patient »” in ARAMOS – La coopération dans tous ses états, 2023, Metz, France
WANNENMACHER, D., V. IVANAJ, A. DUENAS, “La coopération entre acteurs du parcours de soins du patient : écueils et pistes d’amélioration à partir de l’analyse de cas de parcours complexes” in ARAMOS – La coopération dans tous ses états, 2023, Metz, France
DUENAS, A., “La coordination interprofessionnelle du parcours de soins du patient” Axe Health and care, Séminaire Scientifique des ASP, CEREFIGE – Université de Lorraine. 2023, Pôle Herbert Simon, Nancy, France
AGUADO, J., A. DUENAS, “Synchronised Shared Memory and Model Checking”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2023
DI MARTINELLY, C., A. DUENAS, A. GLAIZE, I. FAGNOT, “An approach to healthcare services decision-making using fuzzy ELECTRE III. An outpatient chemotherapy service application” in International conference on optimization and decision sciences, ODSS, 2022, Florence, Italy Coauthorspresented
DUENAS, A., C. DI MARTINELLY, A. GLAIZE, I. FAGNOT, “An approach to an outpatient chemotherapy service decision-making application using fuzzy DELPHI and fuzzy ELECTRE III” in ORAHS, 2022, Bergamo, Italy
IVANAJ, V., D. WANNENMACHER, I. FLACHÈRE, A. DUENAS, S. BORRACCINO, “La coordination pluriprofessionnelle du parcours de soins du patient : ses principaux freins, leviers et défis” in ARAMOS, 2022, Geneve, Switzerland Coauthorspresented
AGUADO, J., A. DUENAS, “Synchronised Shared Memory and Model Checking: A Proof of Concept” in 2021 Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), 2021, Antibes, France
DUENAS, A., A.GLAIZE, C.DI MARTINELLY, I.FAGNOT, “MCDA modelling in an outpatient chemotherapy service” in e-ORAHS, Conference of the European Working Group on Operations Research Applied to Healthcare Services, 2020, Vienna, Austria
MARSH, K., J. A. VAN TIL, E. MOLSEN-DAVID, C. JUHNKE, N. HAWKEN, E. M. OEHRLEIN, Y. C. CHOI, A. DUENAS, W. GREINER, K. HAAS, M. HILIGSMANN, K. S. HOCKLEY, I. IVLEV, F. LIU, J. OSTERMANN, T. PODER, J. L. POON, A. MUEHLBACHER, “Health Preference Research in Europe: A Review of Its Use in Marketing Authorization, Reimbursement, and Pricing Decisions—Report of the ISPOR Stated Preference Research Special Interest Group”, Value in Health, July 2020, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 831-841
REDDY, B., S. WALTERS, P. THOKALA, A. DUENAS, M. KELLY, “A review of public health economic modelling in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)”, Health Research Board (HRB) Open Research, May 2020, vol. version 1
DUENAS, A., C. DI MARTINELLY , J. AGUADO, Y. TÜTÜNCÜ, “An Evolutionary Algorithm based on Multidimensional Multiple-Choice Knapsack Model for Resource Allocation Problem in a Construction Equipment Manufacturer” in 8th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, ILS Conference (Information Systems, Logisticss & Supply Chain, pp. 60-68, 2020, Austin Texas, United States of America
MARSH, K., J. VAN TIL, E.MOLSEN-DAVID, C.JUHNKE, N.HAWKEN, E.OEHRLEIN, C.CHOI, A.DUENAS, W.GREINER, K.HAAS, M.HILIGSMANN, K.HOCKLEY, I.IVLEV, F.LIU, J.OSTERMANN, T.PODER, J. L.POON, A.MÜHLBACHER, “Health Preference Research In Europe: A Review Of Its Use” in Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) 2019 Annual Meeting, 2019, Cologne, Germany Coauthorspresented
PHAM, D., K., A.DUENAS, C.DI MARTINELLY, “An online approach for the chemotherapy patient scheduling problem” in ORAHS, Conference of the European Working Group on Operations Research Applied to Healthcare Services, 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany
DUENAS, A., C.DI MARTINELLY, A.AELBRECHT, P.-E. ALLARD, J. ROUSSEAUX, “Cost-effectiveness of an educational healthcare circuit for bariatric surgery in France”, Public Health, July 2019, vol. 172, pp. 43-51
GLAIZE, A., A.DUENAS, C.DI MARTINELLY, I.FAGNOT, “Healthcare decision-making applications using multi-criteria decision analysis: a systematic review”, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, January-April 2019, vol. 26, no. 1-2, pp. 62–83
REDDY, B., S., J.WALTERS, A.DUENAS, P.THOKALA, M.KELLY , “A role for MCDA to navigate the trade-offs in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s public health recommendations”, Operations Research for Health Care, December 2019, vol. 23
DI MARTINELLY , C., A.DUENAS, D. K.PHAM , “Integration of operating room advance scheduling and allocation scheduling while considering the resource constraints: a multi-objective genetic algorithm approach” International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain. 2018, Lyon, France
GLAIZE, A., A. DUENAS, C. DI MARTINELLY , I. FAGNOT, “How to improve the patient flow process in outpatient services of a hospital: A problem structuring and lean management approach” in International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2018, Paris, France
PHAM, D., K., A.DUENAS, C. DI MARTINELLY, “Discrete Event Simulation for chemotherapy patient flows” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Paris., IEOM Society International , pp. 1689-1699, 2018, France, France
DUENAS, A., C. DI MARTINELLY, Y. TÜTÜNCÜ, J. AGUADO, “A multi-objective hospital operating room planning and scheduling problem using compromise programming” in Advances in Computational Intelligence., Grigori Sidorov and Oscar Herrera-Alcantara Ed., Springer International Publishing, vol. Part I, pp. 379-390, 2017
REDDY, B., P.THOKALA, A.DUENAS, “MCDA for Resource Allocation at a Local Level: An Application in the UK” in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Support Healthcare Decisions., Marsh, K., Goetghebeur, M., Thokala, P., Baltussen, R. Eds, Springer International Publishing, chap. 11, pp. 175-198, 2017
DI MARTINELLY , C., C. GARONNE, A. DUENAS, “The Impact of Health Policy on The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain In France” in ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Value in Health, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. A708, 2017, Great Britain
REDDY, B., P.THOKALA, K.WARHURST, H.CHAMBERS, A.ILIFF, L.BOWKER, S.WALTER, A.DUENAS, M.KELLY, “Using MCDA to generate and interpret evidence to inform local government investment in public health”, EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Automn 2016, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 161-181
DUENAS, A., C. DI MARTINELLY , G. Y. TÜTÜNCÜ, “A Multidimensional Multiple-Choice Knapsack Model for Resource Allocation in a Construction Equipment Manufacturer Setting Using an Evolutionary Algorithm” in Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World. APMS 2014. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology., Grabot B., Vallespir B., Gomes S., Bouras A., Kiritsis D. (eds), Springer, vol. 438, pp. 539-546, 2014
RAWDIN, A., A.DUENAS, J.CHILCOTT, “The cost-effectiveness of weight management programmes in a postnatal population”, Public Health, 2014, vol. 128, no. 9, pp. 804-810
REDDY, B., P.THOKALA, S.WALTERS, M.KELLY, A.DUENAS, “Prioritising public health guidance topics in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence using the Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Public Health, October 2014, vol. 128, no. 10, pp. 896-903
THOKALA, P., J.KRUGER, A.BRENNAN, H.BASARIR, A.DUENAS, A.PANDOR, M.GILLETT, J.ELLIOTT, S.HELLER, “Assessing the cost-effectiveness of Type 1 diabetes interventions: the Sheffield Type 1 Diabetes Policy Model”, Diabetic Medicine, 2014, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 477-486
DUENAS, A., C. DI MARTINELLY , I. FAGNOT, “An Approach Based on an Interactive Procedure for Multiple Objective Optimisation Problems” in Advances in Soft Computing and Its Applications. MICAI 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., Grabot B., Vallespir B., Gomes S., Bouras A., Kiritsis D. (eds), Springer, vol. 8266, pp. 450-465, 2013
SOVIC, N., A.PAJAK , P.JANKOWSKI , A.DUENAS, K.KAWECKA-JASZCZ, R.WOLFSHAUT-WOLAK, U.STEPANIAK, P.KAWALEC, “Cost-effectiveness of a cardiovascular disease primary prevention programme in a primary health care setting. Results of the Polish part of the EUROACTION project”, Polish Heart Journal, 2013, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 702-711
THOKALA, P., A.DUENAS, “Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Technology Assessment”, Value in Health, 2012, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1172-1181
DUENAS, A., G., Y.TUTUNCU, J.CHILCOTT, “A genetic algorithm approach to the nurse scheduling problem with fuzzy preferences.”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2009, vol. 20, pp. 369–383
SIMPSON , E., A.DUENAS, M. HOLMES , D.PAPAIOANNOU , J.CHILCOTT , “Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain of neuropathic or ischaemic origin: systematic review and economic evaluation”, Health Technology Assessment, 2009, vol. 13, no. 17, pp. 1-154
DUENAS, A., D.PETROVIC, “An approach to predictive-reactive scheduling of parallel machines subject to disruptions”, Annals of Operations Research, 2008, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 65-82
DUENAS, A., D.PETROVIC, “Multi-objective genetic algorithm for single machine scheduling problem under fuzziness”, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, February 2008, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 87-104
PETROVIC, D., A.DUENAS, S.PETROVIC, “Decision support tool for multi-objective job shop scheduling problems with linguistically quantified decision functions”, Decision Support Systems, July 2007, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1527 – 1538
PETROVIC, D., A.DUENAS, “A fuzzy logic based production scheduling/rescheduling in the presence of uncertain disruptions”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems , August 2006, vol. 157, pp. 2273-2285