Edina EBERHARDT-TOTH is Associate Professor in the Finance Accounting Audit Control department of ICN Business School based in Nancy, France. After business experiences as Management Controller, she decided to become an academic in order to influence through teaching and research higher inclusion of social and environmental issues into corporate decision-making. She obtained her PhD in 2014 at University of Lorraine and ICN Business School in socially responsible finance and corporate governance. She has published in Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Responsible Organization Review and Post-Communist Economies. She serves as reviewer for the first three journals and for the journals Business & Society, Business and Society Review and Finance Research Letters. From 2017 to 2020 she was, and is again since 2024, Associate Editor of the Social Issues in Management division of the Academy of Management association for the program of the Annual Meeting conference. She regularly communicates in peer reviewed international conferences. She is a member of professional associations in finance and corporate governance.
QI, J., E. EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. PAULET, “Determinants of environmental credit risk management: Empirical evidence from European banks” in New Approaches to CSR, Sustainability and Accountability., Çaliyurt, K.T. (eds), Springer, vol. III, chap. 3, pp. 239, 2022
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Intervention à la table de l’association des Directeurs Financiers et Contrôleurs de Gestion (DFCG) de Lorraine” – 2022, Thaon les Vosges
QI, J., E. EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. PAULET, “Bank managers’ perceived importance of corporate environmental management in lending decisions: Investigating institutional motivational factors”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, April 2022, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 1436–1455
QI, J., E. PAULET, E. EBERHARDT-TOTH, “Chinese bank managers’ perceptions of barriers to the implementation of green credit in corporate loan decision-making”, Post-Communist Economies, January 2021, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 920-936
FINSTAD-MILION, K., E. EBERHARDT-TOTH, C. RETHORE, “Gender bias in the Classroom: A workshop” in 4th meeting of the France – Benelux Chapter – Young People as a Force for Change, 2020, Bruxelles, Belgium
QI, J., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, E.PAULET, “Inclusion of Corporate Environmental Management into Bank Lending Decision-Making: Investigating Influencing Factors on Bank Managers” IABS Business & Society European Paper Development Workshop. 2019, May 16, Paris, France
WANKEL , C., A.STACHOWICZ-STANUSCH, E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, “Presenter at the Professional Development Workshop entitled International Research and Teaching Collaboration in an Epoch of Inclusive Organizations” 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2019, Boston, United States of America
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., J.CABY, C.GENDRON, L.RAMBOARISATA, “Determinants of the Presence of CSR Committees within European Boards of Directors”, Revue de l’Organisation Responsable, May 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 33-49
QI, J., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, E.PAULET, “Influencing Factors of Corporate Environmental Risk Management in Bank Lending Decision-Making:Empirical Evidence from European Banks,” 13th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), Sept. 12-14. 2018, Leeds, Great Britain
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Intervention au 2ème Speed Meeting du Développement Durable de Lorraine le 18 octobre 2018 au Conseil département de Meurthe-et-Moselle, présentation de l’événement accessible sur http://meurthe-et-moselle.fr/actu/speed-meeting-d%C3%A9veloppement-durable-au-d%C3%A9partement-de-meurthe-et-moselle” – 2018, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Intervention aux premières assises départementales du développement durable, organisées par le Département de la Moselle le 19 avril 2018 en qualité de Grand Témoin de l’atelier Economie et Insertion, programme accessible sur http://partenaires.moselleinfogeo.fr/phocadownload/userupload/15c5083d9d/programme_AssisesDd_.pdf , compte-rendu accessible sur http://partenaires.moselleinfogeo.fr/images/fichiers/Moselle_Durable/Newsletter/Newsletters.html” – 2018, Metz, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Qu’est-ce que la recherche académique ? Pourquoi faire de la recherche académique ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVsRDi9Qhl8” – 2018, You Tube, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “What is research in a business school ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyDqTynfwj4” – 2018, You Tube, Nancy, France
FINSTAD-MILION, K., C.RETHORE, E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, “Building Gender Awareness into Business School Teaching Practices: a Holistic Approach” ARTEM International Conference on Organizational Creativity and Sustainability (ARTEM OCC), Sept. 14-16, Nancy, France. 2017, France
QI, J., E.PAULET, E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, “Inclusion of Corporate Environmental Performance Indicators into Bank Lending Covenants: Investigating Motivations of Banks and Corporate Borrowers” ARTEM International Conference on Organizational Creativity and Sustainability (ARTEM OCC), Sept. 14-16, Nancy, France. 2017, Nancy, France
WASIELESKI, D., M., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, H.MAVOORI, “A French-American Comparison of Ethical Sensitivity to Sustainability” Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development (MESD) 5th International Conference, Dec. 7-9, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. 2017, Atlanta, United States of America
FINSTAD-MILION, K., C.RETHORE, E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, “Building Gender Awareness into Business School Teaching Practices: A Holistic Approach” Brown Bag Research Seminar of ICN Business School, July 4. 2017, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Entretien avec la journaliste S-G. Sebaoui concernant l’entrée en vigueur de la loi Copé-Zimmermann sur la parité dans les conseils d’administration, Janvier 17” – 2017, Républicain Lorrain
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Intervenante à la table ronde de l’Université de Lorraine du Brunch Challenge Ecologie et Technologie, Mars 17,” – 2017, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E. – “Le rôle de l’enseignant-chercheur face à la RSE, Entretien dans l’émission Durablement Vôtre diffusé sur 12 radios associatives et sur youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXPDNTm7wT4, Juin 28” – 2017, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., “Who should be on a board corporate social responsibility committee?”, Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2017, vol. 140, no. 3, pp. 1926-1935
FINSTAD-MILION, K., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, C.RETHORE, “Are Business Professors Gender Blind in the Way they Design and Deliver Courses? A French Business School Case” 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research), Université Paris Diderot, September 12-14. 2016, Paris, France
FINSTAD-MILION, K., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, C.RETHORE, “Responsabilité sociale des écoles de management et préparation des étudiants pour le monde du travail” XIIIème Congrès ADERSE – Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 « La responsabilité sociale des organisations et des établissements d’enseignement supérieur », 13-14 juin. 2016, Lyon, France
BIGA DIAMBEIDOU, M., B.GAILLY, H.MAVOORI, E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, O.IVANOVA, “Creativity and Entrepreneurship: A Team-Based Learning Analysis of Firm Early Development and Performance” ARTEM OCC Conference. 2015, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., “Who Should Be on a Board Corporate Social Responsibility Committee?” Conference ARTEM OCC. 2015, Nancy, France
WASIELESKI, D., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, “Ethical Sensitivity Motivational Factors to Sustainability Decision-Making: a Cross-cultural Study” Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC). 2015, Marseille, France
BIGA DIAMBEIDOU, M., B. GAILLY, H. MAVOORI, E. EBERHARDT-TOTH, O. IVANOVA, “The Process of Entrepreneurial Learning: a Pedagogical Approach and Empirical Test” in 34th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 2014, London, Canada
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., “Who should be on a board corporate social responsibility committee?” 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2014, Philadelphia, United States of America
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., D.WASIELESKI, “A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision-Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Towards Environmental Issues”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, vol. 117, pp. 735-751
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., J.CABY, “Role, Determinants and Efficiency of Sustainable Development Committees within the Board of Directors : an Empirical Study in Europe” CGIR 20th Anniversary Conference on National Governance Bundles. 2012, Cambridge, Great Britain
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., J.CABY, “Role, Determinants and Efficiency of Sustainable Development Committees within the Board of Directors : an Empirical Study in Europe” 72nd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM). 2012, Boston, United States of America
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., “Indicateurs de Performances Sociale et Environnementale des Entreprises : un modèle de mesure globale” 4èmes Rencontres des Doctorants de l’Ecole Doctorale SJPEG. 2012, Nancy, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., D.WASIELESKI, “Financial Managers’ Ethical Sensitivity to Sustainable Development Decisions : An Empirical Study of Cognitive Variables” 18th annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference. 2011, New York, United States of America
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., D.WASIELESKI, “Financial Managers’ Ethical Sensitivity to Sustainable Development Decisions: An Empirical Study of Cognitive Variables” Workshop of CEREFIGE Lab. 2011, Nancy
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., J.CABY, “Role, Determinants and Efficiency of Sustainable Development Committees Within the Board of Directors: an Empirical Study in Europe” Ecricome PhD Universa Doctoral Seminar. 2011, Paris, France
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., J.CABY, “Role, Determinants and Efficiency of Sustainable Development Committees within the Board of Directors” Séminaire d’axe de Recherche Finance Comptabilité Contrôle du CEREFIGE. 2011, Nancy, France