Jean-Pierre Henry began his professional career in 1994 in the French Air Force. Navigator flying the Mirage 2000D, he takes part in many international air operations. In addition to his managerial duties, he develops an expertise in aviation safety, in “Crew Resource Management” and in taking into account the Organizational and Human Factors.
He returned to civilian life in 2012. Certified “professional coach” by ICN Business School, he created NSI, a training and coaching organization. NSI ensures both the training of international managers in aviation safety and the development of individual and collective skills in companies.
His activity specializing in the field of surgery, he closes NSI to create a company sized for this area of expertise, STAN Institute. In addition to the activities developed with NSI, STAN Institute’s field of action now extends to training in the use of surgical robots, the development of skills for medical teams and the strengthening of safety processes in the operating room.
Jean-Pierre maintains his coaching activity, notably as president of the ICN coaches association from 2015 to 2019.
In parallel with his activity at STAN Institute, in 2018 he joined the Human Resources and Behavioral Department of ICN Business School, as an Affiliate Professor. He is notably in charge of managing the “coach consultant” program on the Paris campus of ICN.
Member of the National Guard since 2013, he continues to fly in an operational squadron.
ANTOINE, A., J.-P. HENRY, E. DE PENFENTENYO, D. WANNENMACHER, “Prs Jacques Hubert et Pascal Eschwège, le passage de témoin entre chefs de service durant la crise Covid : entre dangers et opportunités” in Portraits d’acteurs clés du système de santé pendant la Covid-19., Thierry Nobre, Julien Husson Eds, EMS Editions, chap. 16, pp. 191-203, 2022
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, J.-P. HENRY, A. ARDILIO, H. ROTHE, “Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship” in 4th Edition of ARTEM Organisational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 2022, Nancy, France
HENRY, J.-P., “Montre-moi VS explique-moi – L’apprenant doit-il copier LA perfection ou créer SA perfection ?”, Monde des grandes écoles et universités, September 2021, no. 96