Kamel Mnisri holds a PhD in Management Sciences and of equal importance is his international business experience at IBM. His academic research places emphasis on the cross roads between leadership, creativity and business ethics. His PhD research project focused on the development of creativity within organizations aimed at understanding the prevailing conceptual models of the management of creativity and drew links between management practices and the development of creativity within the so-called creative industry. Kamel is a cofounder of ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference. As Customer Fulfillment Representative at IBM, Kamel was responsible for maintaining European and Middle-Eastern Business Partner relationships by supporting the fulfillment processes, taking ownership of problem resolution in this process, coordinating customer solutions and increasing client satisfaction. Kamel is regularly invited to teach and talk about management, leadership and creativity in various academic, corporate, and conference settings. Some examples are Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, MEDEF 54, SENELEC Senegal, CFAO Group, Gainde 2000-Senegal, Paperjam-Luxembourg, and ArcelorMittal University.
BEN KHADHRA, K., K. MNISRI, K.-P. SCHULZ, “The Sustainability-Oriented Innovation in Spaces for Collective Creativity: Case of Innovation Think Tank at Siemens Healthineers” in 5th ARTEM OCC Conference, 2023, Online, South Africa
MNISRI, K., “Introduction, IT and governance, A holistic approach to creativity, innovatin ans sustainability in the age of disruption” in 5th ARTEM OCC Conference, 2023, Durban, South Africa
MNISRI, K., E. ASCHERL, “Exploration of the perception of social entrepreneurship in France” in 5th ARTEM Conference, 2023, Online, South Africa
MNISRI, K., F. H. SAEED, “Technostress and creativity. Exploring the role of IT Mindfulness and Psychological wellbeing” in Journée de recherche RIPCO Comportements des salariés et de organisations face aux changements climatiques, 2023, Paris, France
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, A. ARDILIO, “Fraunhofer Institute: Augmented collaborative spaces for idea development in the framework of sustainability-oriented innovation – digitalization and the problem of virtual embodiment” in 5th ARTEM OCC Conference, 2023, Durban, South Africa
SAEED, F., K. MNISRI, “Technostress and Creativity, Exploring the role of IT mindfulness and Psychological wellbeing in Academia” in 5th ARTEM OCC Conference, 2023, Online, South Africa
SWALHI, A., K. MNISRI, A. AMARI, M. HOFAIDHLLAOUI, “The Role of Ethical Organizational Climate in Enhancing International Executives’ Individual and Team Creativity: Moderating Effect of Organizational Size”, International Journal of Innovation Management, January 2023, vol. 27, no. 1&2, pp. 2350010/1-34
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ – “TU Dresden Circular Design Challenge” – 2023, Dresde, Germany
SAEED, F. H., K. MNISRI, “Exploring the dialectical effect of well-being on creativity and their impact on sustainability” in 4th Edition of ARTEM Organisational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 2022, Nancy, France
GANGLOFF, S., K.-P. SCHULZ, K. MNISRI, “The interplay between moral and creativity: examples from R&D institutions” in ARTEMOCC – 4th edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, J.-P. HENRY, A. ARDILIO, H. ROTHE, “Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship” in 4th Edition of ARTEM Organisational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 2022, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, W. KÃœPERS, A. ARDILIO, “Virtual creativity and embodiment: To what extent emerging technologies such as AI, VR, AR and Robotics can support and enhance collective creativity in practice-based learning methods towards sustainable education?” in 4th Edition of ARTEM Organisational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 2022, Nancy, France
SCHULZ, K.-P., K. MNISRI, W. KÃœPERS, D. DENNEHY, “Virtual embodiment – physical and situated experience in digitalized learning and development processes” in The 9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR conference, 2022, Helsinki, Finland
CHOUKI, M., K. MNISRI, M. HOFAIDHLLAOUI, G. SOUISSI, “An investigation into the development of the competencies of the Tunisian entrepreneur: The importance of international and social dimensions.”, Management International, May 2022, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 193-209
MNISRI, K., O. IVANOVA RUFFO, C. MORIN-ESTEVES, C. GENDRON, “An investigation into responsible leadership within SMEs: evidence from French context”, Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion), November 2022, vol. 152, no. 5, pp. 209-232
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, C. MICHAELSON, J. BACHANI, J. WEBER , “Art, Humanities, What We Value and Why?” in Humanistic Management Thought Leadership Conference, 2021, Pittsburgh, United States of America
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, J. SWIFT, “Investigating the role of the workplace in promoting mental health: evidence from UK context” in 10th International Conference and Doctoral Consortium, AOM Division MC/ ISODC/ Le CNAM / ISEOR, 2021, LYON
SCHULZ, K.-P., K. MNISRI, P. SHRIVASTAVA, R. SROUFE, “Editorial – Facilitating envisioning and implementing sustainable development with creative approaches”, Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2021, vol. 278
SCHULZ, K.-P., K. MNISRI, P. SHRIVASTAVA, SROUFE – “Facilitating, envisioning and implementing sustainable development with creative approaches” – 2021, Journal of Cleaner Production
SCHULZ, K.-P., K. MNISRI, Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, PUN – ÉDITIONS UNIVERSITAIRES DE LORRAINE , Nancy, France, 2020
GANGLOFF, S., K. MNISRI, “The Relationship between Moral Imagination and Creativity in Teams” in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development., K. Mnisri & KP Schulz Ed., Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2020
MNISRI, K., K.-P. SCHULZ, “Conclusions – Beyond Traditional Paths: Creativity as Resource to Deal with Sustainable Development Challenges” in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development., Ed., Presses universitaires de Nancy, pp. 573, 2020
SCHULZ, K.-P., K. MNISRI, “Preface – Pathways Towards Connecting Creativity and Sustainability: Integrating Perspectives on ARts, TEchnology, Management and Social Sciences” in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development., Ed., Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2020
IVANOVA RUFFO, O., K. MNISRI, C. MORIN-ESTEVES, C. GENDRON, “Judgements of SMes’ legitimacy and its sources”, Journal of Business Ethics, September 2020, vol. 165, no. 3, pp. 395–410
MNISRI, K., D. WASIELESKI , “Moral organizational creativity: Exploring ethical antecedents for a new construct”, Creativity and Innovation Management, June 2020, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 237-253
MNISRI, K., H.MAVOORI, “Créativité et pratiques managériales au sein des agences conseil en communication”, Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion), June 2019, vol. 131, pp. 29-59
SCHULZ, K.-P., K.MNISRI , “Les LEGO comme artefacts au service de la créativité collective” in Managements des projets collaboratifs innovants et Territoires., Elise Marcandella, Delphine Wannenmacher, Khoudia Guèye, Alain Antoine Eds, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2018
MNISRI, K., P.SHRIVASTAVA, “A process model of leader dethroning” EURAM Annual conference. 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
MORIN-ESTEVES, C., C.GENDRON, O.IVANOVA, K.MNISRI, “Les valeurs du dirigeant de PME au service du développement durable : le cas des PME de la région Lorraine”, Management & Avenir, March 2018, vol. 8, no. 98, pp. 39-61
GANGLOFF, S., K. MNISRI, “How can moral imagination help project teams to be more creative? The importance of the context” in ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainibility International Conference (ARTEM OCC), 2017, Nancy, France
GANGLOFF, S., K.MNISRI, “How can moral imagination help project teams to be more creative ? The importance of the context” 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International conference (ARTEM OCC). 2017, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., K.-P.SCHULZ, N.GUIMARAES DA COSTA , “What drives the relationship between creativity and sustainable development? Proposition of a model” 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference (ARTEM OCC). 2017, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., K.-P.SCHULZ, S.GEITHNER, N. K.HANSEN, “A playful modeling approach to inspirational learning in organizations” Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities (OLKC). 2017, Valladolid, Spain
MNISRI, K., K.-P.SCHULZ, “). Democratizing Learning and Development through Art-Based Mediation and Playful Modeling” EURAM Annual conference co-Organized with Takaya Kawamura, Osaka University.. 2016, Paris, France
MORIN-ESTEVES, C., K.MNISRI, O.IVANOVA, C.GENDRON, “Les valeurs du dirigeant de PME au service du dével oppement durable : le cas des PME de la région Lorraine” RIODD. 2016, Saint-Etienne, France
MORIN-ESTEVES, C., K.MNISRI, O.IVANOVA, C.GENDRON, “Les valeurs du dirigeant de PME au service du développement durable : le cas des PME lorraines” CEREFIGE, Université de Lorraine. 2016, Nancy, France
MORIN-ESTEVES, C., K.MNISRI, O.IVANOVA, C.GENDRON, “Les valeurs du dirigeant de PME au service du développement durable : le cas des PME lorraines” Séminaire Développement Durable ICN Business School. 2016, Nancy, France
CLERC-GIRARD, M.-F., K.MNISRI, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, “Creative Business Days: Ideas in Action” ARTEM OCC 2015. 2015, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., “Towards an exploratory study of the effect of moral imagination on ethical work climate” ARTEM OCC Conference. 2015, Nancy, France
MNISRI, K., O.IVANOVA, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, C.GENDRON, “An investigation into responsible leadership within SMEs: A French Perspective” 4th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development MESD. 2015, Lisbon-Portugal
SIQUEIRA, A. C., D.RAMOS, L.KELLY, K.MNISRI, P.KASSOUF, “Responsible management education: active learning approaches emphasising sustainability and social entrepreneurship”, International Journal of innovation and Sustainable Development, March 2015, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 188-202
DUCHAMP, D., J.KOEHL, K.MNISRI – “Les EDITIONS DU PLAT PAYS and the Change to Digital: Staying in the race!” – 2015, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
DUCHAMP, D., J.KOEHL, K.MNISRI – “Les EDITIONS DU PLAT PAYS et le virage numérique : comment éviter la sortie de route ?” – 2015, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
FINSTAD-MILION, K., C.BOZON, K.MNISRI, B.BANNISTER, “Distance and proximity : How can a remote team leader bridge the gap? Experiential learning through Tacksaari Oy’s procurement team” 12th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference (DSI). 2013, Bali, India
IVANOVA, O., K.MNISRI, C.MORIN-ESTEVES, C.GENDRON, “Sources of Legitimacy for SMEs” 5th BAMDE Conference. 2013, Albena, Bulgaria
MNISRI, K., “New Directions in Active Learning : Sustainability, Ethics, & Social Entrepreneurship Internationally, Professional Development Workshops” 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2013, Orlando, United States of America
DUFFING, G., T.ABDESSEMED, K.MNISRI, “La créativité s’initie et se cultive d’abord à l’Ecole ! La perspective ICN”, Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine, 2013
MNISRI, K., H.NAGATI, “Une étude exploratoire de la créativité dans les organisations”, Question(s) de Management, 2012, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 37-57
MNISRI, K., Le développement de la créativité appliquée a l’organisation: Comment mettre en oeuvre et piloter le travail créatif ?, Editions Universitaires Européennes, France, 2010