David M. Wasieleski is the Albert P. Viragh Professor of Business Ethics in the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business at Duquesne University, and Executive Director of the Institute for Ethical Business at Duquesne. David also is an Affiliate Research Professor at the ICN Business School in Nancy, France. David completed his doctorate in Business Environment and Public Policy in the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He received a B.A. in Economics and a Certificate Degree in Accounting from Pitt, and an MBA from Duquesne University. His academic research focuses on natural science approaches to understanding ethical decision-making and the formation of social contracts within organizational contexts. He also studies the effects of cognitive biases and moral intensity on perceptions of ethical issues. His work has been published in Business & Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, Organization & Environment, Journal of Applied and Behavioral Sciences, and the Journal of Business Ethics. His article (with Sefa Hayibor), “Evolutionary Psychology and Business Ethics Research” won the Article of the Year in Business Ethics Quarterly for 2009. At Duquesne, he teaches business ethics, organizational behavior, management, and public policy.
As a member of the Academy of Management, he is Division Chair of the Social Issues in Management Division in 2018-19. David has been active in other service to the discipline as well. He serves as Associate Editor for the Ethics track for Business & Society as well as Track Editor for Behavioral Business Ethics for the Journal of Business Ethics. He also holds the position of North American Editor for the Journal of Business Ethics Education. David is also an Associate Editor for the Sage Business Ethics Encyclopedia. And, recently, he was named Associate Editor for the Humanistic Management Journal.
As a member of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), David was elected as Representative-at-Large on the executive board in 2017. Sponsored by IABS, he is co-editor of the Business and Society 360 book series, published annually by Emerald.
His work on ethics and behavior has been cited in the New York Times, The Atlantic, and on the BBC. He has written an op-ed piece for the Pittsburgh Business Times on cheating behavior in organizations, and he appeared on the Canadian Broadcasting Company national radio show, Spark, for an interview on Facebook and privacy.
David was recently named Editor-in-Chief for “Business and Society Review”
BERTIN, C., D. WASIELESKI, “Measuring organizational learning and innovation in large-scale public organizations: insights and implications” in 5th ARTEMOCC – International Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference, 2023, Durban, South Africa
FENG, Y., S. PERSSON, D. WASIELESKI, “Beyond the Western Conceptions with François Jullien: The Process of Leadership Informed by the Chinese Shi 勢 as Organizational Propensity”, Management and Organization Review, December 2023, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1050-1070
LAWRENCE, A. T., J. WEBER , D. WASIELESKI, Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, McGraw Hill, New York, United States of America, 2022
GUIMARAES DA COSTA, N., D. WASIELESKI, “Perspectives on Humanistic Management and the institutional logic of sustainability” in ARTEMOCC – 4th edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France
GUIMARAES DA COSTA, N., G. FARIAS, D. WASIELESKI, A. ANNETT, “Seven Principles for Seven Generations: Moral Boundaries for Transformational Change”, Humanistic Management Journal, April 2022, vol. 6, pp. 313–328
WASIELESKI, D., “Transforming Systems through Humanistic Management: an Introduction to the Special Issue”, Humanistic Management Journal, December 2021, vol. 6, pp. 289–292
WASIELESKI, D., S. WADDOCK, T. FORT, N. GUIMARAES DA COSTA, “Natural Sciences, Management Theory, and System Transformation for Sustainability”, Business and Society, January 2021, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 7-25
MNISRI, K., D. WASIELESKI , “Moral organizational creativity: Exploring ethical antecedents for a new construct”, Creativity and Innovation Management, June 2020, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 237-253
WASIELESKI, D., J.WEBER, Business Ethics – Business and Society 360 Vol. 3, EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING, Bingley, Great Britain, 2019
CECCARELLI, A., D.WASIELESKI, S.KRIVACEK, “Unstructured vs structured interviews: Beyond the paradox in an Organizational Justice perspective” in Journée de Recherche RIPCO, CNIT, 2019, Paris, France
KABADAYI, S., L.ALKIRE, G. M.BROAD, R.LIVNE-TARANDACH, D.WASIELESKI, A. M.PUENTE, “Humanistic Management of Social Innovation in Service (SIS): an Interdisciplinary Framework”, Humanistic Management Journal, July 2019, vol. 4, pp. 159–185
SHRIVASTAVA, P., L.ZSOLNAI, D.WASIELESKI, M.STAFFORD-SMITH, T.WALKER, O.WEBER, C.KROSINSKY, D.ORAM, “Finance and Management for the Anthropocene”, Organization and Environment, March 2019, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 26-40
WASIELESKI, D., S. WADDOCK, T. FORT, N. GUIMARAES DA COSTA – “Natural Science Approaches Toward Transformational Change for Sustainability” – 2019, Business and Society
WASIELESKI, D., J.WEBER , Corporate Social Responsibility – Business and Society 360 – Vol.2, EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING, Bingley, Great Britain, 2018
WASIELESKI, D., D.DUCHAMP, “From Traceability to Transparency: Communicative Action Theory as a Responsible Innovation for Social Auditing” in International Society for Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV), 2018, Trieste, Italy
WASIELESKI, D., J.WEBER, Stakeholder Management -Business & Society 360, Vol. 1, EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING, Bingley, Great Britain, 2017
WASIELESKI, D., M., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, H.MAVOORI, “A French-American Comparison of Ethical Sensitivity to Sustainability” Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development (MESD) 5th International Conference, Dec. 7-9, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. 2017, Atlanta, United States of America
CHUMNEY W., M., D.WASIELESKI, G.SCHUMACHER, “The conflict between U.S. patent protection and technological innovation”, Business and Society Review, Winter 2017, vol. Volume 122, no. Issue 4, pp. 531-555
SHRIVASTAVA, P., G.SCHUMACHER, D.WASIELESKI, M.TASIC, “Aesthetic Rationality in Organizations: Toward Developing a Sensibility for Sustainibility”, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, September 2017, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 369-411
HAYIBOR, S., D.WASIELESKI, “Scope and Duration Neglect in Assessments of Anticipated Utility” in Annual Meeting of the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015, Oslo, Norway
WASIELESKI, D., E.EBERHARDT-TOTH, “Ethical Sensitivity Motivational Factors to Sustainability Decision-Making: a Cross-cultural Study” Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC). 2015, Marseille, France
WASIELESKI, D., N.GUIMARAES DA COSTA, O.IVANOVA, “Signalling for Sustainability: an affective sensemaking process for institutional change within organisations” ARTEMOCC Conference. 2015, Nancy, France
PERSSON, S., D.WASIELESKI, “The Seasons of the Psychological Contract: Overcoming the Silent Transformations of the Employer-Employee Relationship”, Human Resource Management Review, December 2015, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 368-383
ARNAUD, S., D.WASIELESKI, “Corporate Humanistic Responsibility – Social Performance Through Managerial Discretion of the HRM”, Journal of Business Ethics, March 2013, vol. Vol.120, no. 3, pp. 313-334
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., D.WASIELESKI, “A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision-Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Towards Environmental Issues”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, vol. 117, pp. 735-751
SCHUMACHER, G., D.WASIELESKI, “Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations: An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes”, Journal of Business Ethics, March 2013, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 15-37
WASIELESKI, D., J. A.ROBERTS, “Moral Reasoning in Computer-Based Task Environments: Exploring the Interplay between Cognitive and Technological Factors on Individuals’ Propensity to Break Rules”, Journal of Business Ethics, October 2012, vol. 110, no. 3, pp. 335-376
EBERHARDT-TOTH, E., D.WASIELESKI, “Financial Managers’ Ethical Sensitivity to Sustainable Development Decisions : An Empirical Study of Cognitive Variables” 18th annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference. 2011, New York, United States of America
SCHUMACHER, G., D.WASIELESKI, “Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations : An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes” Annual Conference of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI). 2011, Montréal, Canada
ARNAUD, S., D.WASIELESKI, “Corporate Humanistic Responsibility : Towards a New Conception of Socially Responsible Management at the Individual Level of Analysis”, Cahier de recherche du CEREFIGE, 2011