As a higher education institution with general interest status, ICN is eligible to receive your apprenticeship tax allowance, which corresponds to 13% of your apprenticeship tax bill.
Apprenticeship tax is paid at a rate of 0.68% of your company's annual pay bill and is allocated as follows:
Used to fund apprenticeships and ensure the smooth running of apprenticeship training centres (more freedom of choice).
Used to fund formal education. Businesses in Moselle and Alsace are exempt.
Deadline: 31st of May 2022 - Code UAI 0542455A
View the apprenticeship tax brochure and pay online.
Made payable to
86 rue du sergent Blandan 54000 NANCY
write âAPPRENTICESHIP TAXâ on the back of the cheque
FR76 1513 5005 0008 0000 5863 021
To ensure these projects are a success, ICN Business School and its students need the continued support you provide by paying your apprenticeship tax to the school.