Master in Management

Useful information
Master in management Bac +5
Duration of study :
2 years for international students
Place of study :
Nancy, Paris, Berlin
Language of instruction :
French, English
Degree awarded :
Master in Management Degree - Visa Bac + 5 - Grade de master, niveau 7 par le MESR et titre RNCP n°39271
Tuition fees :
Contact Admission service
French students
+33 (0)3 54 50 25 38
+33 (0)3 54 50 25 57
International students
+33 (0)3 54 50 26 33
+33 (0)6 35 81 31 10

Master in management

The Master in management is a postgraduate qualification that is state-recognized and taught at our 3 campuses: Paris, Nancy and Berlin.

The programme has a strong international focus and equips students with the necessary skills to become effective managers. The course is offered entirely in either French or English.

Discover a flexible program that adapts to your ambitions. Our training program aims to train responsible and creative managers. The #ATM pedagogy, a symbol of our intellectual openness, will enable you to build your career in a globalized world!

Why should you join the
ICN Master in management

  • Discover a flexible program that adapts to your professional ambitions.
  • Thanks to the strong professional dimension, with more than 2 years of work experience, you can develop your employability. What's more, you can also opt for apprenticeship.
  • Develop your international profile thanks to a network of 120 partner universities worldwide.
  • Our unique #ATM teaching method teaches you to work with profiles that are different from your own. In this way, you cultivate your adaptability and open-mindedness.
  • From the second year onwards, you'll be able to choose between several fields, with progressive specialization in the third year. So multiply your skills and benefit from your student and professional experiences.


Our new Berlin campus is located in the heart of Mitte, right in the city center. The campus extends over 500 m2 above Galeries Lafayette.


The Paris campus is located in the heart of the La Défense district, with the
headquarters of the world's largest
CAC 40 COMPANIES. It's a place for training, but also a meeting place for students companies, teachers and graduates.


At the heart of the 3 frontiers, the Nancy - ARTEM campus is ideally located. With its central position in Europe and a dynamic cultural scene, Nancy is strongly influenced by the arts and culture.


Master 1 : Be Curious

At the beginning of the Master 1 level, in Nancy, Paris or Berlin, you can choose a field of study to give your program its initial flavour:

  • FINANCE : Audit & Control - Finance - Risk Management
  • MARKETING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT : Marketing - Management of Organisations - Branding
  • ORGANISATION MANAGEMENT & STRATEGY : HR - Innovation and Sustainability

You can choose only one domain from the 3 main families above.

Semester 1 :

  • Decide responsibly
    • Financial decisions
    • Financial risk management
  • Propose and innovate
    • Marketing decision
    • Information system
  • Explore
    • Domain 1 module
    • Domain 2 module
  • Optimize performance
    • Management control
  • Engage
    • Professional English

Semester 2 :

  • Transform
    • Digital and ecological transformation
    • Business development
  • Learning through research
    • Research methodology
    • Quantitative and qualitative analysis tools
  • Develop
    • Domain 3 module
    • Domain 4 module
  • Design and manage
    • Sustainable management of organizations
    • Risk management and foresight
  • Commitment and innovation

Between the Master 1 and the last year, you can also take part in an EXPERIENCE YEAR: an academic exchange in France or abroad or work experience or an ICN certificate.

Master 2 : Be Creactive

At the beginning of the Master 2 level, in Nancy, Paris or Berlin, you will deepen your knowledge by choosing a specialization from one of the 3 main families:


  • Audit & compliance
  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Banque et gestion de patrimoine
  • Corporate Finance / Finance d'entreprise
  • Finance & Risk Management


  • Marketing & product innovation
  • Luxury and Design Management
  • Digital marketing
  • Stratégie marketing et développement commercial
  • Cultural and Creative Industries Management
  • Brand and Marketing Management


  • International Business Development
  • Supply chain management & purchase
  • HR management & social innovations
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation

Semester 3 :

  • Change tomorrow
    • Mutation of the contemporary world
    • Live Business Case
  • Developing and questioning
    • Specialization Module 1
    • Specialization Module 2
  • Make the change
    • Specialization Module 3
    • Specialization Module 4
  • Supporting transition
    • Responsible governance & leardership
    • Change management
    • Elective

Semester 4 :

  • Assert your professional practice
    • Professional experience
    • Seminar
  • Advancing knowledge
    • Research thesis

70 double degrees

At ICN Business School, you will all have a double-diploma (unless you wish to do your final year at a partner university), with 5 possibilities open to you:

ICN Diploma + Master from the University of Lorraine - Faculty of Law
Only available after validation of DU Passerelle vers le droit de l'entreprise (to be completed during the experience year).

  • Master of Business Law

International and European business law specialization
Corporate and business law specialization
Health law specialization

  • Master of Public Law

M2 Renewable energy and natural resources law
M2 Internal security law and professions

  • Master political science

M2 political professions

  • Master in employment law

Specializing in labor and social protection law

  • Master of civil law

ICN degree + Engineering school diploma

  • Civil engineering degree (MINES Nancy) – IN 2 YEARS, AFTER 2Y ICN
    Training to become a top-level general engineer with a specialization in computer science.
  • Engineering manager degree (ENSGSI Nancy) – IN 2 YEARS, AFTER 2Y ICN
    Training that provides a dual engineering/managerial skill set focused on managing innovation in companies, and based on a strong scientific, managerial and human dimension.
    The aim of this course is to train managers to master innovation engineering, with an emphasis on product, organization and service design, from concept generation to prototype production.

ICN degree + International master
Foreign double degrees take place over one year instead of the 3rd year of the program.
Download the files to find out more

Triple degree : ICN degree + MSc in International Management (Miex) + Partner universities degree
Consortium of 6 campuses around the world: 1st semester in Nancy, 2nd semester in Bologna, then 2nd year choice of Mexico City, Porto Alegre, Shanghai or Berlin.

Admission procedure

  • International candidates :
    International students can enter this master's program in M1 (2nd year of the PGE). To prepare your application, go to international admissions.

Work-study format

Available as a sandwich course, this program will enable you to acquire professional expertise in management. It's also an excellent way to develop the hard and soft skills employers are looking for, and a real asset to your employability!

Apprenticeships will also allow you to be entirely waived of your tuition fees. The host company pays you a monthly salary for the duration of the contract according to a scale based on the gross monthly minimum wage. 

Finally, at ICN, nearly 150 partner companies are ready to meet you during our career forums, which will open the doors to work-study opportunities with major companies.

What our students think...

ICN is above all a powerful source of opportunities. The school favours them, but it is up to each student to seize them. As the international aspect was important for me,
I opened every door to every multicultural opportunity: a first internship at Yves Saint-Laurent in Bavaria, an internship at Renault in Berlin and then one at Yves Saint-Laurent in Bavaria, a gap year at Renault in Berlin and an exchange with McGill University in Montreal.
Cédric CHAMBAZ (ICN PGE 1999), International Head Of Product Marketing & Strategy, Apple, Londres

Admission procedure

More information about admissions for the start of the 2024 academic year.

Training registered with the RNCP under number RNCP 39271 until 31/08/2029.