MSc – Master of Science Management by Innovation

Useful information
MSc Master's degree
Duration of study :
Regular Track : 2 years - Short Track : 1 years
Place of study :
Nancy, Paris, Berlin
Language of instruction :
French, English
Degree awarded :
DiplĂŽme MSc-Master of Science labellisĂ© CGE (parcours d'excellence) - DESSMI (diplĂŽme d’études supĂ©rieures spĂ©cialisĂ©es en management par l’innovation), visĂ© Bac+5 par le MESR et titre RNCP 7, fiche 37475
Tuition fees :
Contact Admission service
French students
International students
Image Master of Science

Program overview

The Master of Science in Management by Innovation is a Bac+5 degree recognized by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and offered on our 3 campuses: Paris, Nancy and Berlin. Available in all 12 options. Do you want to work in digital marketing, finance or luxury goods? The diploma is the same no matter which option you choose!

Delivered 50% in a foreign language, this program provides students with a high-level professional education. It is designed to train key corporate functions in international markets.

Our program aims to train responsible and creative managers. The #ATM pedagogy, a symbol of our intellectual openness, will enable you to build your career in a globalized world!

Why join the Master of Science?

The employability

First and foremost, for its strong professional dimension, ensured by both a wide choice of specialized courses and a pace suited to securing a job at the same time.

The CGE label

CGE recognition is a guarantee of quality for your future employer.

English as passport

In the bilingual or English track, you'll develop useful language skills that are indispensable in a globalized business world.


The #ATM pedagogy

This unique and innovative teaching method teaches you to work with profiles different from your own. In this way, you cultivate your adaptability and open-mindedness.

The recognition

Based on the criteria laid down by the CGE, this diploma is internationally recognized.


An opportunity

For international students, this certified training program enables them to gain parallel professional experience (through internships or apprenticeships).

Stage or work study ryhthme

This course enables you to start your professional life in parallel with your studies. You can choose to take this MSc in the traditional way, with an internship at the end of each year, or you can choose the work/study ryhtme. Available as a sandwich course, this means you can acquire professional management expertise throughout your studies. It's also an excellent way to develop the hard and soft skills that employers are looking for, and a real asset to your employability!

All our courses, in addition to the traditional route, are available on a sandwich basis. When you're not studying, you can opt for a sandwich course, a student job or an work study ryhtme. Work study ryhme are an excellent option for our students, who are granted a contract with a company, and are therefore exempt from tuition fees and receive a monthly income for the duration of their contract.

Finally, at ICN, nearly 150 partner companies are ready to meet you at our career forums, which will open the doors to internships and work-study programs with leading companies.



The Paris campus is located in the heart of the La DĂ©fense district, with the headquarters of the world's largest CAC 40 COMPANIES. It's a place for training, but also a meeting place for students companies, teachers and graduates.


Au cƓur des 3 frontiĂšres, le campus Nancy - ARTEM est idĂ©alement situĂ©. Profitant de sa position centrale en Europe et d'une dynamique culturelle, Nancy est fortement influencĂ©e par les arts et la culture.

Available options


Interested in the Master of Science program?

Don't hesitate to apply!

Training registered with the CGE under the name: Management by Innovation