At ICN, we believe that research excellence combines high-quality scholarship with practical relevance. Our researchers engage with the corporate sector, not-for-profit organisations and other partners to generate real, lasting impacts in areas relevant to management practice. Our partners benefit from the school’s transdisciplinary approach to concrete business problems, pioneered by our researchers and designed to stimulate creative thinking and innovative problem solving. The result is research with impact that extends well beyond the academic community.
We founded the ICN Corporate Lab to deliver innovative solutions for business and industry. The scope of activities conducted under the roof of the Corporate Lab ranges from applied research work in the various areas of expertise of the ICN faculty, to training and development activities, to interventional action research. Although it deals with a range of subjects, the Lab has special expertise in two key areas – corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, and innovation & digital transformation of organisations.
The core mission of our school is to produce research that has a significant impact on business practice and wider society. We founded the Corporate Lab to ensure that the solutions and innovations developed by our researchers help our partners and change the way our external stakeholders think and act.
In addition, with the support of the Grand Est region, ICN has created the centre for entrepreneurship and digital transformation to advance research with and for businesses and to stimulate entrepreneurship in the region. The centre takes a holistic and responsible approach to entrepreneurship and also places an emphasis on intrapreneurship. The centre focuses on developing the internal capabilities of start-ups or existing small organisations in the region.
The digital transformation is a global megatrend which is having a revolutionary effect on markets. Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills, creativity and the ability to innovate are being redefined by this megatrend and they must be constantly developed to allow businesses and entrepreneurs to achieve long-term success on the market in the digital age.
At the same time, entrepreneurial innovation is key to employment and economic development. Promoting innovation and strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem are increasingly the focus of policy makers.
The centre for entrepreneurship and digital transformation is at the heart of this reflection. Our mission is to support and promote the digital transformation in the Grand Est region via responsible and creative entrepreneurship, using innovation and creativity models and methods and taking disruptive technologies into account.
The entrepreneurship training will be based on creativity and innovation in the digital age through the development of a dedicated learning platform.
The "Hub" for co-creation is a forum for discussion for entrepreneurs, researchers, students and local decision makers to support business development, to recognise and develop opportunities to create value and increase networking. The second area allows participants to develop a shared understanding and to develop and implement ideas.
The centre provides businesses and industries with cutting-edge expertise tailored to their specific needs and advises and supports businesses looking to make the most of possibilities associated with the digital transformation process.
The centre for entrepreneurship and digital transformation brings together ICN Business School's expertise at the interface of the digital transformation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation management from a sustainable development perspective
The centre gives access to the expertise of ICN Business School professors and partners. We work in particular with the "Arts and Sciences for Sustainable Development Goals" UNESCO Chair, and Station A, the school's transdisciplinary creativity and innovation lab
We are offering actors in the region the possibility to co-create and co-develop ideas and solutions to meet real needs and take advantage of opportunities associated with the digital transformation
The centre is also supported by Grand Nancy Innovation and by many businesses in the region, such as Moustache Bikes, Tomorrow Jobs, Google Ateliers Numériques, supported by graduates who are well aware of the entrepreneurial process, as well as the ICN Alumni association.
With the support of the Grand Est Region