The Artem Alliance was created more than 20 years ago (1999) by the École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Nancy, ICN Business School and Mines Nancy. It offers a wide range of educational initiatives that combine #ArtTechnologyManagement disciplines, mixing learning, creativity and innovation to train the next generation of creators and decision-makers.
Each of the schools has a key feature. Together, they are unique! The three schools in the alliance encourage their students to get to the heart of issues and engage with ways of thinking that may seem far removed from their field of study. The aim is to encourage students to take new approaches to tackle complex issues, cut across disciplines, and respond to the need for a flexible, mobile and reactive society.
Following a cross-cutting approach, the ARTEM Alliance has always come up with original solutions. Many schools have followed in our footsteps, convinced by the benefits of looking at things from a different perspective when it comes to teaching business education. We now need to pursue and explore new avenues, from all of our locations, and reflect on new ways of teaching.
ICN has become a multi-campus university. Our students have increasingly diverse profiles, and their ambitions need to evolve in accordance with the career opportunities available to them. Therefore, the three founding disciplines of Artem need to be supplemented by others to tackle the complex business environment and the growing demands of recruiters. Other sectors may be affected, and the disciplines that need to be mobilised are yet to be determined. That’s why ICN is developing a teaching model that is more flexible, more open and more adaptable.
ICN fosters an atmosphere where all the school's stakeholders (teaching staff, businesses, management committee, board of directors, administrative staff) have the opportunity to contribute to the skills development of students and help them thrive in an ever-changing work environment, according to their ambitions, needs and desires. The curriculum must therefore allow all students to identify and grasp the opportunities that suit them best, with the help of a flexible and personalised pathway.
Contact, interaction and emotion are key: teaching is a social science and must correspond to these principles. The fundamental question is: What would we like to experience and have our students experience?
Educational innovation at ICN Business School is part of a framework based on the school's values (open-mindedness, commitment and team-spirit), and aims to achieve the following goals:
1. Intrigue students and get them interested - be attracted.
2. Give meaning to the educational plan - be convinced.
3. Motivate students to perform and participate - get involved.
4. Allow students to integrate skills - adopt
5. Encourage students to build their own knowledge – develop.
6. Lead students to come up with new creative solutions – innovate.
Educational innovation at ICN uses a set of measures to achieve some or all of the goals mentioned above and strives for continuous improvement. These objectives are coupled with a range of measures devised to evaluate teaching practices. This means that we can identify goals that haven’t been reached (or not sufficiently), in which case appropriate improvement measures can be taken.
In the context of A(rt, technology, management), teaching staff are an extension of Artem and must help their students understand the complex nature of organisations, finance, technology and society, by offering a wide range of modules, seminars and projects. To achieve that, teaching must ensure that students develop:
A[rt, technology & management] is a teaching research and development lab that plays a central role in all programmes offered at ICN Business School and focuses on a transdisciplinary approach. Station A is an innovative and technological space, alongside the Moving lab, which promotes experiential learning.
 Being a teacher at a management school has become more and more demanding. It goes beyond passing on knowledge and requires an understanding of the issues affecting business. For all of us, our main goal is to make sure our students succeed by giving them the means to apply the necessary skills in the field of management, marketing, finance, etc, but also to equip them with important soft skills so they are able to adapt to any professional or business situation. To ensure the school continues to evolve, we need to examine our practices and pay greater heed to stakeholders, including our partner companies.
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